雜錦三罐常溫烘焙甜點禮盒 Assorted 3 Jars Pastry Box (Min. 15 boxes)

雜錦三罐常溫烘焙甜點禮盒 Assorted 3 Jars Pastry Box (Min. 15 boxes)



  • Madeleines 馬德蓮:採用頂級法國麵粉與進口奶油,製作出外型優雅、口感細緻的馬德蓮。伯爵茶口味散發著迷人的茶香,而柚子口味則帶有清新果香,每一口都令人回味無窮。
  • Palmier 法式蝴蝶酥:層層酥脆的蝴蝶酥,是法式甜點的代表作之一。經典原味採用傳統配方,口感香酥可口;黑芝麻口味則增添了濃郁的芝麻香氣,口感更為豐富。
  • Mini Cookies 迷你曲奇:小巧可愛的迷你曲奇,口感酥脆,香氣四溢。雙重黑朱古力口味濃郁香醇,巧克力控絕對不能錯過;蔓越莓杏仁口味則酸甜可口,搭配香脆杏仁,口感更具層次。



本產品享有免運費服務。單筆訂單滿HKD 1,800元即可免費送貨,偏遠地區可能另收附加費。

This exquisite gift box features a trio of iconic French desserts, each offering a delightful surprise with every bite.

  • Madeleines: Crafted with premium French flour and imported butter, our Madeleines are elegant in appearance and have a delicate texture. The Earl Grey flavor boasts a captivating tea aroma, while the Yuzu flavor offers a refreshing citrus note that will leave you craving more.
  • Palmiers: As a hallmark of French pastry, our Palmiers are renowned for their flaky layers and buttery goodness. The classic original flavor adheres to a traditional recipe for a deliciously crispy treat, while the black sesame variety adds a rich, nutty flavor for a more complex taste experience.
  • Mini Cookies: These petite and adorable mini cookies are delightfully crispy and aromatic. The double chocolate flavor is rich and indulgent, a must-try for chocolate lovers. The cranberry almond option offers a delightful blend of sweet and tart flavors, with crunchy almonds adding a delightful textural contrast.

Presented in an elegant gift box, this assortment is the perfect choice for gifting loved ones or treating yourself.

A minimum order of 15 boxes is required, or a limited quantity is available for in-store purchase. Order now and get free delivery on your purchase of HKD 1,800 or more! Remote areas may require additional shipping fees.

1st Jar - Mini French Madeleines 迷你馬德蓮貝殼蛋糕

Earl Grey 伯爵茶, Japanese Yuzu 日本柚子

2nd Jar - Mini French Palmier 法式蝴蝶酥

Classic 原味, Black Sesame 黑芝麻

3rd Jar - Mini Cookies 迷你牛油曲奇

Dark Chocolate 雙重黑朱古力, Cranberry Almond 蔓越莓杏仁


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