Mixed Berries Mochi Basque Cheesecake 莓果麻糬巴斯克芝士蛋糕 (whole cake)

Mixed Berries Mochi Basque Cheesecake 莓果麻糬巴斯克芝士蛋糕 (whole cake)


. 莓果巴斯克芝士蛋糕 Matcha Mochi Basque Cheesecake

. 新鮮草莓 Fresh Strawberries

. 拉絲麻糬 Chewy Mochi

. 雙魚小姐自家配方鮮奶油 MPC House Cream


5” & 8” Whole Cake Available

裝飾用的新鮮草莓數量會按照實際水果大小而有所加減。Number of strawberries on the cake may vary depending on the size of the actual fruit.

Please purchase HANDWRITTEN SIGN as Add-on for custom message! You may put the customised message under remark at the check-out page, NO default message for this cake. 如客人需要手寫朱古力牌,請於Add-on頁面額外加購手寫牌連蠟燭套裝,手寫內容可自訂8個中文字或20個英文字母內, 請填寫在付款頁的備註中。

Allergy information: Eggs, Wheat, Dairy

Produced in a licensed food factory where tree nuts and peanuts are also handled.

Serving size: 4-6 servings / 5″ cake, 10-12 servings/ 8″ cake

Size: 5″ Whole Cake / 8″ Whole Cake


5” whole cake, 8” whole cake

Chocolate Sign

w/ chocolate sign & candle set, NO chocolate sign


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